Locations & Container Prices


We have 26 locations around the UK from which we can supply your customers.

This is due in part to our hosts PENTALVER ltd being a wholly owned subsidiary of GENESEE & WYOMING who also own FREIGHTLINER,and our partnership with 12 regional operators in UK. In addition, we have a strong commercial relationship with MAERSK SHIPPING LINE. This seamless partnership allows us to Control New Build ( Used Once ) Container imports into UK from Far East and reposition by rail to a wide variety of locations as and when required.

Each region is controlled by one of our partners, thus providing a hands-on service to their local clients.

Use our contact form to get in touch with us, by providing you delivery postcode, your enquiry will be automatically sent to the member with the closest depot to your location. If you want to contact any of us directly, please visit the About Us page where we have individual contact information for all of the members.

    Container prices

    We do not fix prices and we always try to offer you the most economical price. Container prices fluctuate due to the manufacturing price which in turn is determined primarily by the Rate of Exchange of the USA Dollar with other currencies, In the UK’s case the Pound Sterling. Almost all materials purchased Internationally are with a USA Dollar transaction, so our “£ “drops in value against the USA “$” and we pay more for the same item. But other Factors are also instrumental, such as the volumes of orders that the factories have from bulk purchases made by Shipping Lines or Leasing Companies,= supply & demand = “Sellers’ Market “ result “ higher price” , the price of Oil (affects Road, Rail & Shipping), and the shortage of certain materials required in manufacture can Hike the final cost.

    If you need a standard shipping container, do not hesitate to get in touch with us or browse our range of shipping containers for sale, we offer a wide range of new containers as well as used shipping containers and a full in-house container conversions service.